Sunday, December 9, 2007


What is about finals that makes you not want to study?
I mean they are worth like 35% of your grade and everything and grade matters more than a lot of other things.
And so what am I doing right now?
I just spent : 8 + 70 + 10 +14 +145 = 250 dollars today
on random stuff
from a website to a printer
and hopefully that wont be a waste
plus thats about all the money i earned working for the alumni house
so atleast i spent my own money to buy the site

maybe i will make it so cool that its worth it
and right now i am sitting in the lounge at 6:20 in the morning
with three koreans and also sara, who looks confused in all of the Korean noises

I shud study soon
physics exam
also MUN due in less than 9 hrs
thats dumb that I havent even started thinking about it
maybe I shud
or else
i mean I am vice president

plus I HAVE to right that application too
this is way too hectic and i dont like it very much

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

5 am

its 5 am on a wednesday and here i am doing english HW insted of being a carefree senior oh well...atleast the last 3 hrs have been a little productive- now i have about 3 hrs to write 1 more essay bout some contrast thingy...or sumtin god alone knows why i took IB and those darn mox are yet to come...while everybody can enjoy april - i have sit and do exams everyday - yeah very boring indeed :( good news too though - my cast has come off...finally...altho it was basically a big farce in bali as i was swimming and was also enjoying all the rides at Waterbom ... and liverpool jus congrats to those bastards who support that team... and cant wait for the three day weekend...need some rest and lots of sleep oh well..i think m gonna go back and continue "Why contrast in Great Expectations plays a more significant role than contrast in The House of the Spirits" - truly exhilirating stuff :)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

First post

Its like 1 am Jakarta time
cant wait to get back to scool so that I can forget all those college woes and return to sanity.
Parents are all worried over college and all and there is a lot of tension at home... gess scool is a welcome break then.
Everyone else has gotten in sumwer of the other
dhruv is heading to brown which is very good and kao is heading to NU which is cool too...m heading to g. tech at the moment... oh my god every second word i speak has something to do with colleges or college admissions...
oh well ... hoprfully everything will turn out fine